Category: Cambridge Touch

Cambridge Touch, Committee, CTA, Social Touch, Kit, Cambridge Touch Events

Monday Night Training @Shelford 2018

Shelford Training Returns

Monday 22nd January 8.00pm – 9.30pm

Training starts back up but now on a Monday night at Shelford Rugby Club, CB22 5JJ
Similar to last year we intend to deliver top class touch training to improve skills via drills and mini games.

Sessions are open to everyone whatever level you are at.
Remember to only wear boots that have moulded studs.

Each session will cost £5

Get down and get fit for the new Cambridge touch season that is fast approaching!

Autumn Touch@Shelford Sign Up

Sign Up

Touch @Shelford Rugby Club starts this Friday, 29th September. 7.00pm – 8.30pm
This will run until 15th December and then resume again in January

Please fill in the spreadsheet SIGN ME UP so we have an idea of numbers and to make admin easier on the night


Each session is £5 or 12 sessions for £50 
The £50 can be paid within the first couple of sessions or by a bank transfer.
Please ask Rob or Matt for further details.