When: Starting on Wednesday 6th April
Time: 6.30pm till sunset
Where: Coldhams Common
Cost: £260 per team
Month: March 2022
Cambridge Touch Season Party
Saturday 2nd April @19:00
Due to a turbulent couple of seasons, there has been no social events or end of season party.
To kick start our season we wish to host our delayed awards evening
- Burleigh Arms, CB5 8EG map
(https://www.burleigharmscambridge.co.uk/) - Start time 19:00 (with buffet food being served around 19.30)
- Cost is £12 each
Sign up asap so catering have an idea of numbers
Register: https://forms.gle/9Zsf37R8VXsvi7rS8
Payment: Payment is via bank transfer to the CTA account
Please ask a committee member for further details.
Spring Touch League is coming!
Early warning that Cambridge spring touch league is fast approaching.
Starting early April till mid June on Coldhams Common, 6.30pm – 9.00pm (light limiting)
If you are a captain then email matt@cambridgetouch.com or speak him, Rob or Stan to express your interest in entering a team by 25th March.
If you are a player then get down to training on Wednesday nights at Shelford and find teams to join!
More details to follow….