Cambridge Touch League 2022

When: Starting on Wednesday 6th April
Time: 6.30pm till sunset
Where: Coldhams Common
Cost: £260 per team

If you do not yet have a team then speak to one of the team captains below or fill in the form here and we will share names with the teams.


Tier 1 will play games for 10 weeks, taking on each other twice.
Finals will be week 11 with 1st v 2nd, 3rd v 4th and 5th v 6th.

Tier 2 will play for 7 weeks, then be split into another two tiers, top 4 and bottom 4. Each team will play in their new tier from week 8 to week 10.
Finals week will be 1st v 2nd, 3rd v 4th in each tier.


Through April there will be two time slots, 6.30, 7.15 due to lack of light in the evenings and games will be 15 minutes each way while teams settle in.
From May onwards there will be three time slots, 6.30, 7.15, 8.00 and games will be 20 minutes each way.
There is a quick turn around between games so please make sure teams are ready to go on time.

Tier 1:

Team Captains
Avengers Stan
Badgers Anna
Coyotes Russell/Gene
Lions Tom
Mad squirrels J-F
Superheroes Stan

Tier 2:

Team Captains
Cambridge University team Jamie
Cantabs cobras Tom
Peacock Coyotes Russell/Gene
Dukes John
Untouchables Emma
Motts Jack
Nightwings Kat
Red fox Colin


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