Category: Cambridge Touch

Cambridge Touch, Committee, CTA, Social Touch, Kit, Cambridge Touch Events

Cheerio Shane

This September, Cambridge Touch waves goodbye to one of its longest standing members and stalwarts of the Cambridge and English Touch scenes – as well as multiple European Championships and three World Cups.

After nearly two decades in Cambridge, Shane Hills and his family are heading “back” to New Zealand, a well-worn path for many of our Touch friends over the years.

Continue reading “Cheerio Shane”

Gradual Return of Touch

As the government restrictions continue to loosen, Cambridge touch is planning a progressive return.
In the first phase, inline with England Touch guidance, Cambridge Touch are bringing back training.
If the lifting of restrictions continues, we aim to continue back to normality with the summer league starting in the next month.
There is no return to Social Touch just yet until all restrictions have been lifted.

Continue reading “Gradual Return of Touch”

Cambridge Annual General Meeting 2020

Our AGM has been set for next Sunday 25th October

There has been limited touch action this year but we will aim to put a positive spin on a turbulent year

Date: 25th October

Time: 17.30pm

Location: on zoom

Meeting ID: 899 1403 8717

Passcode: Ffh8G1

Reports from:

  • finance
  • coaching
  • chair person

Election: Committee member declaration of interest to carry on and open invite to new volunteers

AOB: Anybody who has feedback or suggestions for CTA then please email to include these